Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mad about March

Happy first day of March! I made it. February is over, and the month that holds the first day of spring is here at last. And I managed to mark it with this little blurb in this little web of mine. If you've been keeping up to speed with the mundane little details of my life, you're probably aware that I've been in a bit of a funk lately, which is also why I haven't done my traditional first day of the month or year blurb for the last two months. But all that's coming to an end now, and a new cycle begins, which includes this little tribute to a month that holds so much promise.
I'm 22,022 days old today. That's special to me because I'm very fond of the number 22. It's stable and balanced, something I'd like to be. So naturally I'm not going to ignore the fact that today, on the Kalends of March, I'm 22,022 days old. Talk about stability and symmetry. It's a good foundation from which to build the rest of my life.
That's all I have to say for now. I just wanted to check in on my little web on this very special day, setting the tone for the month, and the rest of my life. So far so good.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the yellow roses. They were my mother's favourite flower.
- G.P.

1 comment:

  1. Going back a bit and talking about grace...
    a subject close to my heart. One that, at least in part, defines the Christian faith but is mostly misunderstood and misquoted.

    For instance:
    "There but for the grace of God go I."

    Nice sounding maybe. Full of gratitude too. But completely missing the point of the concept of grace.... because grace is offered to all. Unconditional mercy and love. Unhindered by human judgment and bias.

    It is a gift we cannot earn. Only accept.
    That's the hard part.

    Still working on that.

    Thanks for the forum, Ms. Penwyche.
