Friday, December 26, 2014

Soap Flakes, Part II

The year is fast drawing to a close, so I'm writing this because I want to jack up the number of blurbs I've written in 2014. The piffle you read now is blurb number 23, which means the previous one is - drum roll, please - number 22!  
I've written numerous times that 22 is my favourite number, and after writing my most recent blurb, I noticed that it was the twenty-second one this year. Post #22 included a link to my interview on BathTub Bran.  Being interviewed by my friend Bran is a smart career move if ever there was one, at least for my kitty Lulu, and holds the promise of building a foundation for future endeavours. (In numerology 22 is the Master Builder number.)
I didn't know the previous blurb was the twenty-second one this year while I was writing it.  Imagine my unmitigated glee when I made the discovery. And imagine the pleasure I feel right now as I have another reason to shout aloud (figuratively speaking) on this little web of mine, once more and with great gusto, It's a Sign!
Another reason for writing this sudsy bit of nothing was so that I could introduce my legion of followers to Bran's YouTube interview site a 2nd time, therefore widening his audience by at least 2 viewers.  One hand washes the other. 
But enough of the flaky observations.  I think I`ll have a bath, with lots and lots of lavender bubbles.
- G.P.


  1. Thank you again!! It was a lot of fun!!!!

  2. OMG, Gossamer, that was hiLARious - both your 'blurbs' and your guest appearance on BathTub Bran. And, yes, it appears that Lulu is headed for fame and fortune! :)
