Monday, May 4, 2009

Excerpt 1 from my upcoming picture book,
The Lady in The Woods

It was in the early spring, on a day full of hope and promise. Feeling courageous and carefree, I had stepped off the well-worn path that wound its way through the woods, and found myself in a whole new world.

Oh, but it was grand to go where I had never ventured before! The earth was moist and pungent with new life just waiting to be born. A profound longing drove me onward, though I knew not where.

Eventually I came upon a bright clearing, deep in the heart of the woods. In the middle of the meadow was a charming stone cottage that seemed to glow with a light all its own. The bushes and flowers that surrounded the little house were in full bloom, weeks ahead of the nearby woods.

Book illustration, design + layout: Shauna Rae —

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