Thursday, October 8, 2009


I'm testing myself today. I've made a vow to speak only good and kind words, to myself as much as others. And to make three strangers smile. This may not sound like much, but it means that I can't complain about anything at all in any way for the entire day. It's not as easy as it sounds. Go ahead, try it yourself. Make an effort to go a whole day without a single word of complaint, without uttering anything that smacks of negativity.
Anyway, that's what I'm planning on doing today. I'm up for the challenge, and shall report back here when my day is done. Since I'm working at my place of employment, a bookstore, I'll be meeting strangers and working with friends and colleagues. It will require constant awareness of my every thought, word and deed. A worthy plan, I think. So we shall see what we shall see ...
the next morning ...
Well, it's 24 hours since I made a vow to go an entire day without complaint or negativity, and I am pleased to report that my mission was accomplished. It required constant vigilance and awareness, and although a couple of times I slipped into a judgemental mode at the bookstore when I witnessed unseemly behaviour from spoiled customers or miserable colleagues, I refrained from expressing myself. Of course, I'm not supposed to react aggressively to rude patrons, but I didn't complain about them to fellow workers afterwards. And believe me, I really wanted to.
Being mindful of staying positive and non-judgemental got easier as the day progressed. I guess my brain is already getting used to a new way of functioning. I'd catch myself reacting habitually to certain sticky situations, and then make a concerted effort to change my thoughts. I must have started to set up a whole new neural network. Awesome. By the end of the day I was less tired than usual, and felt more kindly disposed towards the world in general. It's nice to see karma working so quickly.
As Anne of Green Gables would say, "Today is a brand new day, with no mistakes in it." So I'm determined to keep up this little experiment for today as well. I want to finish installing this new program of mine. If I'm as successful as I was yesterday, then I'll go for it again tomorrow. And then I'll do it again and then again, until one day, even if I'm surrounded by disagreeable people or circumstances, I won't have to make such a conscious effort to be a peaceful and pleasant person.
- G. P.

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