Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love Stuff

My birth tarot card is The Lovers.  When I discovered this a number of years ago, I was mildly shocked, because being half of a loving couple has eluded me all my life.  But The Lovers in the major arcana of the tarot does not necessarily mean finding true love with another.
When I read tarot for young people in the throes of hormonal upheaval (frequently confused with the search for a soul mate), they get very excited and think they're about to bond with or meet their one-and-only.  That's true only part of the time.
The primary meaning of The Lovers is union, harmony of opposites, and resolution of inner conflicts, often referred to as the "inner marriage."  Self-love means a person is whole and complete unto themselves.
When I finally embraced my status as a spinster, I knew I was on the road to loving and forgiving myself.  So today I celebrate self-acceptance and self-love.  I wish you the same.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
- Oscar Wilde

Blessed be.
- G.P.

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