Monday, June 7, 2010

Earth First

My heart is breaking. That's not s great way to begin this entry on my little web, but there is a huge tear in the great web we call Earth, and I'm breaking my promise to myself that I would only write about good or happy things, or how to help myself and others feel well and happy. Given the scope of the horrendous oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, I simply can't ignore the tragedy in my little web.
Like many people I've spoken to, I feel helpless to do anything. Most of the people who care about the tragedy that is still unfolding in the gulf waters, whether they are directly affected or not, can only wait and watch as BP works on plugging up the leak, something they should have begun with greater diligence as soon as the rig exploded. But no, greed ruled out any common sense and foresight. Spending serious money on implementing safety measures and plans for such contingencies is not profitable. Greed is short-sighted and short term. The patriarchal paradigm of big money and corporate power is slowly but surely killing this magnificent planet and all her beautiful, innocent creatures.
I get very little satisfaction knowing that BP is no doubt done for as a company. Their profits are being permanently and forever eaten up by the same oil that has made them filthy rich. Once again, Mother Earth is showing us, tragically and literally, just how filthy money-mongering is. But enough of the rant. My anger does not appease me, nor does it help the suffering of the wildlife along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts.

I avert my eyes and turn away from pictures of pelicans covered in suffocating, slimy goo. I'm not burying my head in the sand. I know what's going on, so having my heart seize up with grief and anxiety does nothing to ease the situation. But the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico has made me more caring and careful of my individual impact on this planet. I do my best to leave as small a carbon footprint as I can, but now I guess this Earth that I worship wants me to make even more sacrifices. Of course, my personal sacrifices such as not driving a car may seem inconsequential and fruitless, but that's because I'm only one person. But when more people care more, a ripple effect is created, and another strand in this great web is strengthened, so that one day, if it's not too late, every individual's actions will be shown to matter.
I once read a parable about a bird
and a squirrel who sat together on a slender branch of a tree. It began to snow. After a little while the bird warned the squirrel that he should probably get off the branch because it might break if the snow got too heavy.
"It's just a few flakes," replied the squirrel, "what can they do?" The squirrel thought he was being funny when he began to count the snowflakes as they landed on the branch.
"Hey, here comes snowflake #3,042. " He laughed as the flake landed on the snow that was piling up.
"And here comes snowflake #3,043, " he said, mocking his feathered friend, "Well would you look at that? Nothing happened - again!"
The bird just sat there, saying nothing, when snowflake #3,044 fell from the sky. It landed ever so gently and quietly on the snow-laden branch, when all of a sudden the branch snapped, and down fell the squirrel. The bird just up and flew away.
This little story shows just exactly how much we matter as individuals when we all work together towards a common goal. Sure, often one person's efforts don't make a noticeable difference. But with patience and perseverance, all our individual efforts will prove worthwhile when we are joined by others. Sooner or later the scales will tip. That is why I shall not stop thinking, speaking, behaving and acting in ways that make things better. I admit that I weaken from time to time and do things that are convenient and fast, and not good for me or the planet. But every failure makes me more determined to stick to my beliefs and live out the big picture.
I pray for my fellow creatures all over the world, but especially in the Gulf of Mexico right now. I send them light, love and healing prayers. I know that there many other people out there who are doing the same. We are creating a ripple that may, if enough people join us, help to heal the tear in the web. And I pray that a web built out of such individual fibres will prevent such a disaster from happening again. Please.

- G.P.

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