Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter Sucks

I'm suffering from too much winter. After a morning of much weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth and beating of breast, I stopped to wonder what did I do last year at this time? How did I get through the long, cold, grey days? What did I write in my little web that wasn't complaint? (That's part of my mandate for my little web, although I admit I don't always pay attention to my own rules.) Anyway, I scrolled back and read what I had written last January. I wrote more frequently than I've done this year for this month, and I made valiant efforts to express only good and happy thoughts. I'm pleased to report that reading what I wrote actually made me feel better. My efforts to write pithy little bits of cheer in the midst of gloom seems to have worked for at least one reader - me. Who knew?
I'm really glad I have this little space to come to when I feel like this. I don't care that it may be the most unfollowed, unread little web on the Web. I like it because it's mine and it makes me feel good. As near as I can tell there's nothing wrong or politically incorrect or environmentally unfriendly about that. So I can write any damn bit of drivel on this thing and it doesn't hurt anyone, including me. It's too inconsequential to embarrass or humiliate me, and I'm pretty sure it won't come back to haunt me years from now, even though now that it's here it's basically "out there" forever. No, I can't think of any reason to regret writing this particular bit of fluff.
Well, mission accomplished. Twenty minutes ago I felt as grey as the weather. Now I feel better. I've been silly and I like it. And finding a pretty picture of daffodils helped, too. I picked them especially to cheer myself up, and anyone who passed by this way. So enjoy, and think spring.
- G.P.

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