Thursday, April 14, 2011

All the World's a Stage

If I'm somewhere nobody knows me, I'm usually the best person I can be. I'm creating myself on a blank page. It's tabula rasa, because no one has any preconceptions of me. They don't know who I am, where I've been, or what I've done. Depending on how I look at the time, I could be just about any character I choose. But no matter where I may be or how I'm dressed, I always go for politesse. It doesn't always work, because there are a lot of A-holes out there, ready to attack and bite and bring out the worst in anyone or anything they encounter. Usually, though, I like anonymity when I'm out in the public forum, so that I can present myself as a courteous, considerate person, and maybe even an interesting one to boot. And no one's the wiser because they've never met me before.
That's why I like to travel. Going someplace new where nobody knows your name is a wonderful platform for playing and performing. But it can get you into trouble, too. I wouldn't tell a perfect stranger in casual conversation, even if it's certain I'll never see them again, that I'm a neurosurgeon, just in case they happen to be a doctor or medical professional of some kind. All of a sudden all the fun goes right down the toilet, and me along with it. But inventing something I can improvise easily is lots of fun, and highly creative. And despite the usual pre-show nerves of performing on stage, playing a scripted character is even more enjoyable, and there's no danger of getting into trouble for lying, although there are other ways of screwing up.
That's why I'm feeling so good these days. I've got a couple of opportunities coming up for lots of playing and pretending, both abroad and in the theatre. Hence my pleasure in going to cafes and pubs alone. It's an easy, accessible, and affordable way to play by myself in public. I usually present myself as successful and wealthy, as long as I'm suitably appointed, of course. It's a nice default position and doesn't require over-the-top play-acting. It's mostly just attitude, my dear, and can be oh so droll. When I'm in that mode I tend not to engage in excessive conversation, especially if it's a place where I'm a regular, because then I'd be forced to embellish the truth. Talking too much to even the service staff might blow my cover as a wealthy, successful writer with a lot of free time on her hands.
Playing a role in real day-to-day life is not necessarily lying. In fact, it can be good for you, depending on what role you choose to play, because a person's path is all about choices. I like to play the sort of person I respect, admire, or even envy. But sometimes, if I'm feeling mischievous enough, I'll play someone completely unlike me, as long as it's harmless, creative fun. Harmless is the operative word here, for both me and the strangers I may meet.
In the near future I'll be able to play my favourite games on a bigger stage than my imagination. It promises to be a great summer. I hope I do well. Goddess knows I've had enough practise.

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