Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Last Laugh

Well well well. I know it can't just be me, but sometimes I feel as if it is...
The Universe is playing games with me again. But if I were to be rational about this, it isn't doing anything with me in particular at all, because the Universe just doesn't care. It's completely indifferent, I know. It doesn't have will or intention, but since I have to attribute the odd little occurrences and synchronicities in my life to something apart from chance, I'll just keep using the same vocabulary I always have in these little blurbs of mine to explain another one.
If you're reading this, dear followers, then perhaps you've read the previous yarn I wove into this little web of mine. It's about being alone and apart and facing my true self and how so many things in my life reflect that on the material level and how it all fits together in the expanding picture-puzzle that is my life. Whilst writing my last blurb I came upon a technical hitch which was announced to me by a window that popped up from the blog-people who rule the technical side of my web. I overcame that problem fairly quickly, and was deeply grateful that for that, otherwise it might have ruined my day, being the technopeasant that I am. The point is, when I returned to view my pretty little web, I noticed that all my followers had disappeared. When I scrolled down the right hand column where my legion of fans are listed - all nine of them, myself being one - there was a blank space. I discovered this little glitch just as I was writing about how certain events in the material world reflected my inner life as a person alone, as a spinster. If you glance back you will see that the words I used were about not sharing my life with anyone. Then lo and behold, the sweet, cute little space devoted to showing my fan base was a complete void. A black, blank nothing.
I know you good people are still out there, and maybe some of you still read my little web, but you know me well enough by now to know that I consider this to be significant, if only as a joke that some random vibe (yes, I, Gossamer Penwyche, am using the word random - after all, the Universe isn't complete without both cosmos* and chaos) intersected my little web and created a weird and wonderful illustration of what I'm always going on and on about.
I'm not unduly upset - except that, aesthetically speaking, I don't like that blank space there - but I can't help thinking that the laugh's on me. But just who or what is laughing?
Don't get me wrong. This is not a call to my friends and followers to sign up again to prove your loyalty. Please don't. Not necessary. I'm more secure than that. And for all I know, tomorrow I may log back onto my little web and find the list of you lovely people back in the vacant space, and feel even more foolish for having spent time weaving this thread into my web. But I can't help noticing this funny little fluke. And of course I had to share it.
See? I am still sharing my life.
Blessed be.
- G. P.
* cosmos - Gr. for order or beauty

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