Sunday, September 4, 2011

Artful Living

Living is an art, and living well is an even finer art. You can be an artist every moment of every day, simply by slowing down, enjoying the wonderful act of breathing, and listening. But what, you may ask, are you creating? Yourself. You are creating yourself. Everything you think, do, and say, shapes who you are.
Next time you have your picture taken, smile. Everyone looks better when they smile. Creating a better you is not rocket science. It's a simple matter of conscious living. So why not slow down right now? You're probably sitting at a computer as you read this, but you can slow down even more by breathing deeply, and listening. There are so many things to hear even as you read this, and you can notice them without losing focus on what you're doing, which, at the moment, is reading.
Taking your time, breathing, and listening makes you look better, because you're more centred and more relaxed. It might even make you smile, and that'll make you look better still. You'll be creating a better, more attractive you.
That's all for now. I just wanted to slow down, become aware of my breathing, and listen. That's what I've been doing while writing these words. They're not poetic or profound, but I've had a few minutes of conscious living, and I feel better for it. For the time being, I've created a better me.
Have a good day.
- G.P.

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