Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Magic of Silence

Keeping silent.  I write about it on this little web of mine all the time because it matters to me.  To be truly silent is to be quiet without struggling to suppress your deepest urges to speak or be noticed.  Genuine silence comes from deep stillness, not the effort of restraint.  "To keep silent" is one of the four corner-stones in the practise of magic.  (Google it if you want to know the other three.) 
There are things happening in my life right now, matters of my own creation, that I would love to talk about with my friends.  But I choose not to because it gives away the power of materialization - bringing creative energy into form.  Talk dissipates that energy.
There are many people, however, for whom speaking openly about their plans and ideas is helpful and energizing.  But that's not true for the person who practises magic.  Magic is about focussed action - using the pent-up energy of unspoken words and plans to manifest them in the material world.
Lately I've been spending a lot of time being creative and productive.  I'm paying attention to the process, but not the outcome, which is a good thing, because so far there aren't any quantifiable results.  Yet my projects and plans excite me, and I want oh-so-badly to share them with my friends.  But I've noticed that prattling on about my dreams, desires, goals and wishes causes people to grind their teeth or roll their eyes.  I've been making up stories and filling in the blanks with empty rhetoric all my life, and then end up feeling like a failure when it all comes to naught.
So now I'm keeping quiet about what I'm doing and planning.  The bonus of this strategy is that it forces me to talk about topics other than myself, which makes me stop and think before I speak.  And if I can't improve upon silence, I shouldn't speak at all.
Thank goddess for this little web of mine.  I can share my thoughts - well, some of them - in complete silence.
Blessed be.
- G.P.

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