Sunday, October 6, 2013

Apples for Sale

This blurb is a contest.  I'm writing this little bit of silliness to see if any of my colleagues at the store where I work are interested enough in my little web to read it in their spare moments between customers.  We have a new section in our "creative department store," (formerly known as a "cultural department store," and preceded once upon a time by the moniker "bookstore") which sells geeky Apple products, including fabulous, not-so-little but oh-so-sleek ipads.
Every so often I'll trot on over to the geek section of the store and pull up the front page of this little web of mine on a demo and leave it on display for any customers and workers to view.  I'm not doing it because I think I'm suddenly going to become an Internet sensation, but because I love looking at my pretty little web displayed on a sleek, sophisticated techno-tool that plays no part in my prehistoric world.  (I freely admit that I'm a dinosaur - quite old and possessing a puny little brain, digitally speaking.)
Anyway, the test part of this shallow, self-centred blurb you're reading now is specifically addressed to my colleagues at the store.  It will necessitate my visiting the tech section of the store and putting my little web on display a few times a day, but since I do that anyway, it's no big deal.
As for my legion of followers, I beg your indulgence.  Thank you.
The contest is easy:  be the first of my colleagues who read this current blurb (my faithful followers will have noted that I haven't posted anything new for over a month now) and I will buy you a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer, whichever you prefer.  All you have to do is approach me at work, or write a comment in the space provided to tell me you've read this nonsense, and the modest prize I offer is yours.  That's a promise.  And since I've made this such a public declaration, I won't be breaking my word because that's super-bad karma.  Anyone who knows me even slightly knows that I'm all about karma.  Besides, head office and management are always offering contests to customers and employees, so this is my contribution to promoting good collegial relations.
But why, you may well ask, am I putting on this absurd little contest?  Well, mostly because I'm curious to know how often and how many people at my place of employment bother to read my piffle.  I've shown my shining little web on the demo ipads to a number of my co-workers a number of times, and observed that they don't bother to read it.  And if anyone has, they haven't said anything about it, which is probably worse.  So what I say.  It's all about me, and I don't mind admitting it, because let's face it, a blog is basically about the person who writes it.  (There!  I've said it.  I've called my little web a blog.  Yech.)
So there you have it.  I'm putting this inflated bit of wordpuffery out there just to see what happens.
I'll keep you posted.
- G. P.

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