Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Really Really Reaching

I haven't been here for a while so I'm taking a few minutes to write something just for the sake of writing something.  So now, dear reader, you have my permission to log off, because I have nothing to say, even though I'm still moving my fingers across the keyboard just to see what comes up.  I've done this before and the result is always the same.  It ends up being a silly blurb and a waste of my faithful followers' time.  I'll lose all two of you if I keep this up. 
To complete this blurb I have to find some picture on the big Web to put on this little web o'mine.  That's usually fun, but it means I have to find the right image for what I'm saying, and so far I'm not saying anything.  Instead of this tomfoolery I could be using my time to write my most personal thoughts, the kind I don't share with anyone (yes, I actually have those, contrary to all appearances) in my hand-written journal, but I'm here now and am curious to see what happens...
                          Uh, so far - nothing.
If you've stuck with me this far, loyal readership, I salute you.

Now we'll take a short break to enjoy a couple of deep breaths...
I'm back.
               Are you?
I'm still desperately hitting the keys, hoping and waiting for some wise and wonderful bit of wordsmithery to come out of what so far appears to be a pointless exercise.
It's taking me a lot longer to write this business down than it is for you to read it, and still I blunder on.
I'm fully aware that this is now becoming repetitive and tedious.  But let me assure you, if that's how you readers are feeling, I'm feeling it even more so.  And what makes all this even more embarrassing is that I'm determined to post whatever shit I write anyway, because I'm conducting a very serious, writerly experiment, with every intention of publishing the results, for the edification of all and sundry who pass this way, and no matter how much I may humiliate myself and ruin my reputation as a blooger.
(Heavy sigh.)

Well, I've been at this for thirty-five minutes and nothing noteworthy has emerged, except for my willingness to make a fool of myself.  Hmm... That's the first half-decent observation I've made during this drivel.  Writers, or artists of any discipline, risk making fools of themselves when they express their thoughts in the public forum, just as I've done now.
But I'm bringing this bit of blurbishness to a halt now, and not because I haven't got more to not say.  I'm simply out of time.  I knew I had a limited amount of time when I began this blurb, which was also part of the experiment.
I've managed to get this posted before leaving for yoga class, which is right now, so this exercise hasn't been a complete failure, although I can't say I haven't appeared like a complete fool. 
The End.
- G.P.

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