Sunday, January 10, 2016

As the Day Turns

I am 23,432 days old today.  That's a numerical palindrome; it reads the same forwards and backwards.  It's another pattern I've observed as I walk the road of life.  Noticing patterns and signs such as the ostensibly inconsequential number I'm discussing here keeps me aware of the passing of time, and especially how I spend my time, from day to day, and even moment to moment.
This is not the first time I've told my rabid readers of my age in days, nor is it the last.  I expect I'll keep track of my age in days for the rest of my life, and make note of it right here on my little web.  I'm well aware that these observations are noteworthy only to me, and are probably some of the flakiest blurbs I write.  But I just can't help sharing this silly bit of information, because it's part of the universe I occupy. 
It also happens to be a new moon.  That's a good sign.  Starting the first lunation of the new year with a very special diaversary* bodes well.  To quote Maya Angelou,  This a wonderful day.  I've never seen this one before. 
(*Diaversary is a word I invented, pronounced dee-a-versary.  It's composed of the Latin words dies for "day," and versus, the past participle of vertere, "to turn."  Hence it refers to the "turning of the day."  Similarly, anniversary is derived from anno for "year" + versus, meaning the "turning of the year." )
As we travel on this journey called life the days of our lives keep turning, until sadly, one day they don't.  But until that inevitable day, I shall continue to count mine, one by one, and marking each one of them as a special occasion.  So allow me to wish myself, as well as all my fervid followers, Happy Diaversary!
- G.P.

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